Replanted curry leaves springing new leaves

Replanted curry leaves springing new leaves

Replanted curry leaves springing new leaves
Replanted curry leaves springing new leaves

As expected, the replanted curry leaves plant which I had posted on 13 February 2021 has sprung up new leaves! The leaf bud has progressed into a full fledged leaf and one more tiny leaf seems to be on the way. The photograph is partly blurred, possible because of mild hand movements while taking this 2x zoom picture at short distance. Shall post better quality pictures when the leaves grow up, so that I can avoid zooming, which probably magnifies the effect of slight hand movements during imaging.

Update on 22 February 2021

Rejuvenating curry leaves plant
Rejuvenating curry leaves plant

This is a better photograph of the rejuvenating curry leaves plant. The leaves a bit more dark green, but still with fewer leaflets and smaller than expected. Hope new large leaflets will develop soon.