Curry leaves replanted

Curry leaves replanted

Curry leaves replanted
Curry leaves replanted

This curry leaves plant was split off from its parent plant. It seemed to originate from below the soil level. Hence it could be a branch originating from below the soil which has developed some roots. It cannot be considered strictly as a stem cutting. This might enhance the possibility of growing in the new location. Of course, part of the stem beneath the soil and roots could have been damaged in the splitting procedure. Let us see how this develops in future. The parent plant was in a grow bag bought from the nursery. It had flowered and the inflorescence was nipped off, presuming that more leaves will come. But the plant has been stagnant. This plant part has been planted in soil on the ground, in a different location. A lot of tiny weeds and a few tomato saplings are seen at the top of the picture.

This plant has a branch originating near the base, with three leaves. There is a single leaf at the top.